Hungry Shark Evolution Special Sharks Information

Hungry shark evolution special sharks
Special sharks are the sharks made in Lab in hungry Shark evolution. To unlock the secret area, you have to make a 500,000 point high. There are currently 3 secret sharks - Electro Shark, Ics Shark and Robo shark each one with special abilities. One thing to about these special sharks can level up, but their progress won't be saved, that mean, you have to start from level 1, when you'll play next time.

Hungry Shark evolution Electro Shark
Electro Shark is the cheapest among special sharks, it only cost around 16k, it's special ability is to creat electric arrount it, which stun preys, and electro shark can eat these preys with ease.

Hungry shark evolution Ice Shark
You'll need 50k to buy this shark, which can freeze enemies very fast and effectively, energy is quite high, I mean you simply can freeze every enemy after freezing.
Hungry Shark evolution Robo shark
180k gold coin is needed to unlock Robot Shark, you won't regret this. This is my favorite shark as it has in build jet and it's ability to turn mines into missiles. It can eat most of the enemies and the interesting part is, it can destroy every enemy, boat, helipcopeters etc with mines. That makes this secret shark awesome.


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