Apex Legends Mobile GIBRALTAR Guide, Tips, Abilities & Perks

Complete Gibraltar Guide and how to use it properly in Apex Legends Mobile including Tips and Detailed Info about Abilities and perks.

Each of the legends in Apex Legends Mobile has its special abilities and that is not just limited to what you see on the description page of the Legend. Things go beyond that. Here in this post, you’re going to get a complete picture of Gibraltar including how to use it properly.

Gibraltar of Apex Legends Mobile

GIBRALTAR aka Gibby is a tank class and from the looks, you can guess Gibby is also called a fortified legend. While he takes reduced damage in general there are defensive abilities that you can use in offensive ways also Gibraltar provides good value for the team.

Gibraltar Abilities :

Gun shield (passive)

When you ADS with a gun it deploys a gun shield that blocks incoming damage. There’s no cooldown time.

When it comes to direct fight (ADS mode) Gibraltar has the edge, blocking incoming damage with the gun shield, which takes lots of damage to break. The shield’s color changes from orange to white as it loses strength.

Gibraltar Gun Shield in Apex Mobile

Dome of Protection (Tactical)

This is a tactical ability with a cooldown time of 39 Sec. Deploys a Dome of shield that blocks any incoming or outgoing damage. It also blocks throwable eg. grenades, caustic’s Nox gas Traps. This helps the whole team in the open field, enemies can’t fire from outside, and they will have to come and enter the dome to attack.

Gibraltar Dome Shield in Apex Mobile

Defensive Bombardment

Call in a concentrated mortar strike on a position you mark with smoke with a cooldown time of 270 sec. In the open field, it can be used to damage multiple enemies in the range or just to buy some time, as enemies try to take shelter or get out of range.

Gibraltar Defensive Bombardment in Apex Mobile


This is another passive ability of Gibraltar. 

Incoming damage was reduced by 15%. Not slowed by bullets. Gibby is fortified, which means it takes less damage by default.


Perks are of three categories, out of which two types are available as of now (Soft launch phase) - General and Finishers, you can equip up to 3 general perks and one finisher.


Emergency battery (Tier 1)

When your body shield is 0. Using a shield cell will give you an additional 25 shield points.

Enmity (Tier 2)

Reviving a squadmate restores 25 health to you and the squadmates.

Dying Dose (Tier 2)

When your health falls below 50.  Using any health item will give you an additional 25hp.

Med soldier (Tier 3)

Each slot of your backpack can store +1 health or shield items per stack.

Return Pack (Tier 3)

After respawning you obtain a corresponding body shield and weapon based on the progress of the ring.


Final Thrill (Tier 1)

After taking down an enemy with a finisher, all shields are restored and the ultimate cooldown is reduced by 30%.

Tactical Thunder (Tier 2)

Successfully performing a finisher refills all your shields and immediately resets your tactical ability cooldown. 

Ammo recovery (Tier 3)

Taking down an enemy with a finisher restores all shields and refills ammo for your weapon.

Which perks to choose

As for generals 

  1. Return pack Tier 3

  2. Med Soldier (Tier 3)

  3. Dying Dose (Tier 2)

As for Finishers

Tactical Thunder (Tier 2)

Gibraltar Tips :

Gibraltar is tank class and takes 15% less damage in general, bullets can’t slow the speed along with the gun shield makes it hard for the enemy in a direct 1v1 fight. In the meantime, if your teammates are present behind you, they can attack and get some high damage.

This legend can help the team in many ways. The dome shield can be used to provide a much-anticipated shield for the whole team, it can be used to revive teammates. As enemies can’t attack from distance, they tend to enter into the dome shield, as playing defensive, trying to buy time, or just waiting for the right time, you can keep moving around the dome shield just to keep the shield barrier in between you and the opponent. Remember, the opponent can also use the same trick.

Use the ultimate ability not just as offensive (to deal damage) you can use it as defensive, as to buy some time/ get back or make the opponent get into a house/obstacle that you can use properly. Long-distance sniping from an open field is also way easier since you have a gun shield while ADS, you can snipe with ease.

Something to remember in general, while Gibby is fortified and other tanking stuff, it has a bigger hitbox, which means being big in size, it’s easier to hit you for opponents.
